Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm going to Jordan! (...in ~three weeks)

So, hi. I'm Meg, I'm flying out to study abroad in Amman, Jordan in less than a month, and this is my travel blog. Unfortunately, I don't leave for some time, so the blog post you are about to read has almost nothing to do with Jordan and a lot to do with FEELINGS. Be warned, I like to talk about feelings and I have a lot of 'em right now.

I don't set out for Jordan until September 4th, but I feel like I'm in a state of limbo right now, so I'm starting up this blog early so that I can get started on something study-abroad-related. At the moment, I'm kind of feeling left behind. It's stupid, I know--I'm the one getting on a plane going to the Middle East in less than three weeks. But Sam left for England today, my brother just left for college, my sisters are getting ready to go back to school,  and Beloiters are trickling back onto campus... I have to admit, a pretty big part of me really, really wants to pack up my car and go with them. Or, hop on a plane to Lancaster and tromp around England with Sam. Either one, really. On the other hand, I really am excited about Jordan. Really. I totally am. Just not right this second. 
Right now, I actually kind of feel like Joss Whedon has entered my brain (this makes sense, no really). I'm just so nervous about Jordan because I've become convinced that because I'm so happy here, something in my life is going to go wrong any minute. Seriously guys, we're talking Willow and Tara get back together and then Tara dies kind of Joss Whedon badness here. Of course, this is because my life is just that AWESOME (Tara and Willow combined with Buffy's mom getting better kind of awesome). I mean, really--I'm a very lucky/privileged college student with great friends, a wonderful boyfriend, and I'm about to set out on an Indiana Jones-level adventure. It doesn't really get much better than this. 
Jordan is going to be amazing and I'm so excited about it. I can't wait to have a whole semester to focus on the Middle East--it's really easy to get distracted in Beloit, so I think this semester's going to be great for me. I'm still really anxious about it though, and I have periodic freak-outs that seem to increase in intensity the closer I get to September, so I appreciate any advice or communication from anyone reading this blog (BSFFAs, Beloiters, Minnesotans, family, whoever). Most importantly, keep me posted on what's going on here in the States! I don't want to be too confused/isolated when I come home in December.

Up next: Some background on Jordan, what I'm going to be doing there, and all about how I don't have to wear a burqa (really, people have asked me about that). 

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